Report on Activities

for the year ending 31 December 2004

The Trustees have again met four times in 2004 and applications are dealt with at every meeting. We have appreciated being able to meet in St Pancras Church rooms.

Although the advertisement placed in some Diocesan newspapers did not result in increased funds, it has brought some interesting enquiries from organisations looking for funding. The request to the BBC Good Causes Appeal was unfortunately rejected.

During the year Coral Hallums resigned from being Chair as she had moved further away. Her commitment to the Association for many years has been very impressive and we shall miss her oversight.

At one meeting during the year the Director of Southwark Welcare was invited to talk about the restructuring of the organisation. This will entail the diocesan office taking a more central role and it was felt this would give the whole organisation greater coherence offering a more consistent service. It is always interesting for Trustees to have the opportunity to discuss aspects of the work in this way.

As this has been my first year as Chair, I would like to thank all the Trustees for their commitment and the different ways they support the work of the Association. My particular thanks go to Derek Boddington, Hon. Secretary, who deals with all the applications and correspondence, to Louis Lewis, our Hon. Treasurer, who sees to our financial affairs so effectively, and finally to our Auditor, Mr Edward Oliver.

